I'm grateful for hand-me-down Sunday clothes.
I'm grateful for Spiderman and Captain Binky-face.
I'm grateful for my graduate.
I'm grateful for in-season cherries.
Happy, cherry-faced Ben.
The cherry-chomper.
I'm grateful when some of the toys don't get picked up at Zeke's preschool.
(Ben, walking on stilts.)
I'm grateful for fun days with Dad.
I'm grateful for puppies and sticks, and this cute girl.
I'm grateful for impromptu street corner jump rope.
I'm grateful for helpful big brothers.
I'm grateful for high walls for sitting.
I'm grateful for big brothers to teach us how to use sticks.
I'm grateful for homemade berry donuts.
I'm grateful that he understood something from the book.
(Note: The Hobbit is a childrens' book, but I do not recommend it as a read-aloud for children under age 7.)
I'm grateful that they make their beds before breakfast.
I'm grateful that the stroller has two purposes.